Have you, or someone that you know ever have drastic mood swings? Between times the person can feel really happy or really sad and then their moods change without a real cause. Humans are very emotional creatures, to begin with! We don’t need an extra thing to amplify it which causes disruptions to the individual and the people around them, suffering from these constant and rapid mood swings. They may have a thing called Bipolar Disorder or BP for short.
Bipolar disorder can be found between women and men and usually is first noticed around the ages of 15 to 25. People don’t know exactly what causes bipolar disorder, but it is likely for the person who suffers from the disorder have other family members suffer from it as well.
There are three known types of bipolar disorder:
There is bipolar disorder type 1 which was in the past classified as manic-depression. It is to be known as the strongest form of bipolar disorder. Those who suffer from it has to have experienced depressive periods and manic period-strong feelings of euphoria (extreme happiness) sometime in their lives.
Another category of bipolar disorder is type 2 which is when the person doesn’t have full-on manic episodes. It’s the opposite for them, instead of having manic episodes, they get hypomania which is having a period of extremely high energy levels which then usually follows impulsive behaviour. People who have type 2 can have depressive episodes as well though.
The mildest form of bipolar disorder is cyclothymia. It is not really looked at as a symptom and is usually only diagnosed with depression. People who have cyclothymia experience a mild form of bipolar and has less extreme mood swings.
A few things can be known to cause a bipolar disorder known as triggers, but it is not fully known what really causes the disorder. Big and serious life-changing things, various steroids and/or antidepressants, drug use and having consistent sleepless nights.
The symptoms that people experience with the manic bipolar disorder are usually:
Issues with sleep
Have trouble with controlling emotions
Cannot judge things properly
Has poor focus and can get distracted easily
Can be reckless
Various mood swings
Can get easily irritated
Can become increased with involvement during activities
The symptoms that people experience with type 2 bipolar disorder are usually:
Have bad moods
Cannot focus easily
Cannot make decisions clearly and effectively
Has trouble remembering things
Can have a lack of appetite and can experience overeating
Can feel less energetic
Self-esteem is down
Can feel hopeless, and guilt or worthlessness
Can experience suicidal thoughts
Can have various sleep disorders
Can be withdrawn from family and friends and become isolated from day to day activities
Suicide rates or attempted suicides are more common with people that suffer from type 2 bipolar disorder. Some people can experience mixed states of type 1 and 2, the states can change quickly from one another.
To be able to be tested for Bipolar disorder, a lengthy process is involved. First, you will be asked about your family history and to try to find anyone related to you who has the disorder. A look at the mood swings will be taken and they will look at your medical history. After the initial medical questioning, you will be given a physical exam to see if any other illnesses might be the cause of your symptoms.
The treatment for bipolar disorder usually consists of mood stabilizers, anti-anxiety medications or antipsychotics to control the mood swings. You may be put in the hospital when your mood gets more stable to monitor the manic or depressive stages.
Keeping to the medication is key to success and crucial that you stick to it. Otherwise, the symptoms will return and a higher level of chance that drug or alcohol abuse will develop. Suicidal thoughts and extreme judgement problems will come back as well.