Everyone deals with anxiety, some more than others. We have to accept that it’s a fact of life, it doesn’t go away completely even if we treat it. We just learn how to cope and manage it. A lot of different things can trigger anxiety and is different then just feeling a bit nervous like if you have to perform in front of a large audience.

The different types of anxiety that people can get are panic disorders, phobias, generalized anxiety disorders or GAD, obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD and post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder or social phobia.

The symptoms that usually come from each anxiety disorder is followed:

Panic, fear or uneasiness
Sleeping problems, nightmares
Becomes fidgety
Have a cold sweat, feeling tingly or numb
Heart/throat palpitations
Dehydrated resulting in dry mouth
Feeling nauseas and/or dizzy and fainting spells
Feeling tense
Agoraphobia (the fear of being in wide open spaces or in public/crowds)
Unable to concentrate/focus
Low on energy
More sensitive to things

The causes of anxiety disorders:

Could be from changes in your brain
Caused by another mental disorder or syndrome
A traumatic experience is one of the most common causes
Your genes and/or family medical history could play a role
A side effect from a drug you are taking
Unhealthy relationships
Stress that has gotten out of control (mental breakdown)

How to Manage Symptoms of Anxiety:

Manage your diet and exercise properly
Get a sleep schedule in place and get a sleeping aid pill
Maybe visit a homeopathic doctor to see what natural ways you can treat your anxiety
Get therapy or go to a support group, find support online
Try mediating/listening to binaural beats and deep breathing along with caffeine free tea aids

There is medical treatment and psychotherapy available for those who suffer from anxiety disorders.

For medication: Medication works differently on everyone so it may take some time before you find the right one that works for you. Anti depressants tend to work well on anxiety disorders but sometimes they don’t or they make the problem worsen. Ativan works well for more emergency situations but for everyday use there are medications like alprazolam (Xanax) and clonazepam (Klonopin) which are usually prescribed for those who have generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks.

For psychotherapy: Cognitive behavioural therapy is a popular type of group therapy that helps you with emotional responses to the anxiety disorders. It also is a put in practice type of therapy that can help you fully overcome your fears and anxiety. It will teach you how to recognize and change your thought pattern and behaviour that triggers the anxiety or panic.

Anxiety can happen to anyone at any age but it is mostly common in young people. Emotions run wild within everyone but with young people they are still growing and learning how to navigate the world around them. Some people are more self aware than others and can easily identify what has caused their anxiety disorders but some others their’s may be masked under various layers of different issues/causes. Anxiety is a little bit different for everyone and everyone takes different lengths to recover.