Logo of Veterans' House Charity
TDC has partnered with Veteran’s House Charity! #762689925RR0001
My Kids Are Gonna Be Rich (And Yours Too)!
Buy the “My Kids Are Gonna Be Rich” book  & support our veterans!
DONATE to support our employment programs for persons with disabilities and veterans.
The Disability Channel is committed to providing quality digital media production services, education & employment programs by & for persons with disabilities.

TDC Helps Persons With Disabilities & Veterans

Exciting News!

TDC “The Today Show” goes live on Kathy Ireland’s YOUR HOME TV USA platform starting May 6th, 2024!  Tune in ‘live’ from 11am to 12 pm, five days a week and a Saturday US bonus show!  Jay Stoyan & Dr. Laurie and our US friends ‘Kurt & Emily’ promise to bring you an entertaining and informative hour!  Here is the live link on Your Home TV.

Your Home TV Share Link: https://www.yourhometv.com/

The Disability Channel Share Link: https://tdc.yourhometv.com/

The Veterans’ House Raffle Is On Now!


50/50 Tickets are:
5-Ticket Pack for $5;
20-Ticket Pack for $10;
100-Ticket Pack for $20;
400-Ticket Pack for $50
Tickets may be sold and purchased in Ontario only. Orders will not be accepted via the internet from anyone outside the province of Ontario or any non-residents of Ontario.  License #RAF 1385730
Deadline:  Friday, Feb. 28, 2025 at 12:00 p.m.
Draw:  Friday, Feb. 28, 2025 at 1:00 p.m.
The Disability Channel offers video production, post-production, social media, and podcasting creation, production and support.
Educational and employment programming for persons with disabilities is offered by The Disability Channel.  Programming includes digital media courses to provide persons with disabilities who are under-employed and unemployed.
Partnership and sponsorship options with The Disability Channel allows community partners and organizations to become ability champions by supporting media created by and for persons with disabilities.

TDC – Sizzle Reel promoting Veterans, TDC and the Invictus Games.  Shorts of amazing conversations..

TDC – PRESS BOX focusing on MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA, CFL, WWE, UFC & more… TDC grads take on Sports


TDC graduates are proudly employed with these companies.
Enroll in our employment programs today and train for that dream job in the media.

Press Releases

Link to TDC YourHomeTV


Newsletter Second Quarter Introduction to Accessible Content Production With Mohawk The Disability Channel is proud to announce our recent Employment Partnerships with GTA based organizations and agencies. Digital11, HeyTony and The Toronto Star. These partnerships come at a time when the first graduates of The Introduction to Accessible Content Production program in partnership with Mohawk College Enterprise have completed their training and soft skills workshops. These graduates can now move forward into employment with these agencies. The Disability Channel is always looking to make meaningful apprenticeship placement partnerships where talented graduates from digital media employment focused programs can also benefit from a CCRW wage subsidy. We extend a thank you to Digital11, HeyTony and The Toronto Star for partnering and greatly impacting the employment prospects of those graduating from The Introduction to Accessible Content Production program. TDC COMMUNITY - “REAL TO REEL“ The Disability Channel is proud to present our first edition of Real to Reel; a community highlight section of our quarterly newsletter that will work to bring our ongoing projects and partnerships to light. The Disability Channel would like to thank the ongoing relationships with Brands for Canada which brings digital media programs to their client base, as well as Mohawk College Enterprise who continue collaborating in the delivery of The Introduction to Accessible Content Production program. The Disability Channel also would like to acknowledge the ongoing community partnership with YourTV and Cogeco where The Disability Channel's show airs. A shout out also goes to Onward & Upward, The Disability Channel's US social service connection which continues to broaden the horizons in bringing valuable learning and skills upgrade opportunities to veterans and those living with disabilities in the USA. The Disability Channel would also like to remind all of our audience new and vintage to please like and subscribe to our YouTube channel and social media. TDC has an ongoing fundraising initiative through FlipGive (more details below) You are invited to join our team! A warm acknowledgement goes to Onward & Upward, The Disability Channel's US social service connection mentioned above which continues to broaden the horizons in bringing valuable learning and skills upgrade opportunities to veterans and those living with disabilities in the USA. On April 7, 2021 the Veterans TV Show: Veterans Onward to Prosperity debuted. This show is hosted by retired Master Sergeant AnnaMaria Bliven who served in the US Army (all 3 components: Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard) for a total of 26 years. She is a veteran, educator, entrepreneur, certified career development facilitator, speaker, author, and champion for changed lives. As a former Army Career Counselor, she has had the privilege of supporting soldiers with developing their military and civilian careers. Tune in to see and experience stories of courage and fortitude. TDC is pleased to continue building our music, sports and media platforms. As TDC is consistently expanding we look forward to developing all our platforms while fostering employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. By joining our FlipGive Team and making purchases through the site or app you will be supporting our employment programs. When making a purchase on items or gift cards with FlipGive a percentage of your purchase is donated directly to support The Disability Channel. Invite your friends and family to join! http://bit.ly/37iBwMw TDC Team code: PZDLHY - Code to join team: 254335
Newsletter First Quarter Introduction To Accessible Content Production Program We are pleased to announce that our second cohort will be starting at Mohawk this month on January 19th, 2021. Our first cohort was a huge success, In fact while still in the program those individuals have more to look forward to! The future of accessible media content will follow standards set under the Information and Communications guidelines in the Accessible Ontario Disability Act (AODA). The deadline for website accessibility has past. Companies with over 50 employees are now required to offer visual contrast, resizing of font, and images of text to meet the WCAG 2.0 ‘distinguishable content’ standard. great. Criteria is to have a residence in the Peel, Hamilton or Halton regions and to identify as a person with a Disability. Just simply forward your resume to Frank Sroka at: frank@owlware.com TDC is proud to announce our involvement in this years Super Bowl LV. Super Bowl will be on February 7th, 2021 at the Raymon James Stadium in Tampa Bay Florida. Platinum - Gold - Silver USA Funds Supporting persons with disabilities and Veterans in Media Join our Team on FlipGive, refer to the link below! You can receive access to our TDC monthly draw when you make a purchase as a team member on FlipGive. Additionally FlipGive is connected with well known stores you already shop at including: Tim Hortons, Amazon, Rexall, Loblaws, Apple, and the TDC apparel shop! By joining our FlipGive Team and making purchases through the site or app you will be supporting our employment programs. When making a purchase on items or gift cards with FlipGive a percentage of your purchase is donated directly to support The Disability Channel. Invite your friends and family to join! http://bit.ly/37iBwMw TDC Team code: PZDLHY - Code to join team: 254335 For more information contact: Jay Stoyan - 647-339-6847 jay@thedisabilitychannel.ca • thedisabilitychannel.ca

TDC Offices

Sussex Centre

50 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W.,
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 3C3

Sussex Centre - 50 Burnhamthorpe Rd W, Mississauga, ON L5B 3C3

Artscape Wychwood Barns

601 Christie Street Suite 170,
Toronto, Ontario
M6G 4C7

Artscape Wychwood Barns 601 Christie Street Suite 170, Toronto, Ontario M6G 4C7

Tech Place

5500 N. Service Rd.,
Burlington, Ontario
L7L 6W6

Tech Place 5500 N Service Rd, Burlington, Ontario, L7L 6W6

Mohawk College

135 Fennell Avenue W.,
Hamilton, Ontario
L9C 0E5

Mohawk College 135 Fennell Avenue West, Hamilton, Ontario, L9C 0E5

Project DieHard

2780 New Holt Rd., Suite D365,
Paducah, Kentucky,
United States

Onward & Upward logo


By and for persons with disabilities showcasing abilities in media

Television Streaming Radio Online Podcasts

The Disability Channel is Available On…

YourTV truly local logo
YourTV truly local logo
YouTube logo
Dave Stevens Thursday nights Milwaukee, Wisconsin
River west Radio- Wxrw
Restream.io logo

The Disability Channel Community Highlights

Amazing Statistics

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Live Streaming Channel (TDC Media/Broadcasting graduates and Television farm system)
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